The Comfort Cafe Food Truck

The summer food truck tradition continues with The Comfort Cafe!

This year, our AmBASSadors and Culture Club invited The Comfort Cafe food truck to our office to provide lunch for our team! The summer food truck has quickly become a SolvIT tradition and team favorite. Providing a complimentary lunch is one way we enjoy showing appreciation to our team.

In case you aren't in the loop, our AmBASSadors and Culture Club are a group of team members from all departments. They plan events, activities, and lunches for the company to promote fun company culture and the chance for team members from different departments to get together. 

"Robert Orben said if you can laugh together, you can work together. These events make this happen!" - Tammy T (AmBASSador)

The Comfort Cafe provided three sandwich options and three side options that we could choose from. The food was delicious and the staff was friendly and fun! Their Detroit themed menu and truck design also inspired our team to make the lunch Detroit themed. Team members wore their Detroit gear to show their pride for our city.

While waiting for food, or after eating, both cornhole and ladder ball were available to play for some friendly competition.

Lastly, for the first time ever, we also held a Talent Show/Hobby Display during the food truck lunch. We know we have some talented people at SolvIT but this was a chance to see other hidden hobbies or talents. We had singers, guitar players, photographers, and gardeners participate. We plan to have more talent shows and hobby displays at future events so we can continue to learn more about our talented team.

Check out our video to get a better glimpse of our summer food truck event!!


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